Research Interests
- Environmental behaviour of Emerging Contaminants;
- Low carbon Technological development of wastewater and sludge treatment.
Prof.Bo Zhang obtained her Ph.D. degree in Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2005.
Afterwards, she worked as a postdoctoral fellow in Tongji University from July,
2005 to June, 2007, and then went to Georgia Institute of Technology in US to
get her second postdoctoral position from June, 2007 to March, 2009. She was an
associate professor, and a professor in the School of Environmental Science and
Engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, starting from March,
2009 until now. Prof. Zhang participated in China's 35th Antarctic scientific expedition, investigating the environmental background of China's first penguin protection area.
Selected Publications
- Yu K.F., Sun C., Zhang B.*, Hassan M., He Y.L. Size-dependent adsorption of antibiotics onto nanoparticles in a field-scale wastewater treatment plant. Environmental Pollution. 2019,248,1079-1087.
- Hassan M., Olvera-Vargas H., Zhu X.P., Zhang B*. Bioelectro-Fenton: An emerging and energy-efficient platform for environmental remediation. Journal of Power Sources. 2019,424,220-244.
- Pu Wang, Qinxiang Ng, Bo Zhang*, Zhikai Wei, Muhammad Hassan, Yiliang He, Choon Nam Ong.Employing omics to elucidate the hormetic response against oxidative stress exerted by nC60 on Daphnia pulex. Environmental Pollution. 2019, 251, 22-29.DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.04.097
- Yongpeng Zhang, Bo Zhang, *, Yiliang He, Ovadia Lev, Guanghui Yu, Genxiang Shen, Shuangqing Hu. CDOM as an indicator of occurrence and risks of antibiotics in a city-river-reservoir system with multiple pollution sources.Science of the Total Environment. Online on 2019.6.4.
- Pei M.K., Zhang .B*, He Y.L., Su J.Q., Ovadia Lev , Karina Gin, Genxiang Shen, Shuangqing Hu. State of the art of advanced treatment technologies of antibiotic 2 resistance genes in wastewater treatment plants. Environment International. Revised on May 31, 2019.June 24 minor revision,2019,Accepted on June 16, 2019. 2019.131. 105626.
- Muhammad Hassan , Ghulam Abbas Ashraf , Bo Zhang *, Yiliang He , Genxiang Shen, Shuangqing Hu. Energy-efficient degradation of antibiotics in microbial electro-Fenton system catalysed by M-type nano strontium hexaferrite. CEJ. 2020,380,122483.
- Zhang B. Ahmed I. Wang P., He Y.L. Nanomaterials in the Environment and their Health Effects. Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 2e. 2019, 535-540.
- Wang P., Ng Q.X., Zhang H., Zhang B.*, Ong C.N., He Y.L. Metabolite changes behind faster growth and less reproduction of Daphnia similis exposed to low-dose silver nanoparticles. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018,163, 266-273.
- Wang P., Zhang B.*, Zhang H., He Y.L., Ong C.N., Yang J. Metabolites change of Scenedesmus obliquus exerted by AgNPs. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019, 76, 310-318. doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2018.05.017.
- Zhang B., Zhang H., Du, C.L., Ng, Q.X., Hu, C.Y., He Y.L.*, Ong C.L.*. Metabolic responses of the growing Daphnia similis to chronic AgNPs exposure as revealed by GC-Q-TOF/MS and LC-Q-TOF/MS. Water Research. 2017,114,135-143.
- Zhang B.*, Yin T.R., Ge L., He Y.L.*, Zhang W. Size Distribution Analysis of C60 Solid Powder in Water. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 2017, 8, 202-209. issn : 1941-4900
- Zhang B., Avsar S.Y. ‡, Chung M., Cho N- J. Influence of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) Coatings on Nanoparticle Adsorption onto Supported Lipid Bilayers. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017,339,264-273.10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.06.031.
- Zhang B.,* Ge L., Younas H., He Y.L.* C60 aggregates as a novel catalyst: application and mechanism for dyes degradation. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 2017, 9, 196-201.
- Du C.L., Zhang B., * He Y.L., Hu C.Y, Ng Q.X., Zhang H., Ong C. N., Lin Z.F. Biological effect of aqueous C60 aggregates on Scenedesmus obliquus revealed by transcriptomics and non-targeted metabolomics. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017,324, 221-229.
As PI, She has been supported by three National Natural Science Foundation projects, 2 National Science and Technology Major Project "water project" sub project, one National Key Research and Development sub project. She also participated in the E2S2 project, an international cooperation project between Shanghai Jiaotong University and Singapore, and was responsible for the toxicological research of emerging pollutants. She has published more than 70 academic papers in the journals.
Honors and Awards
SMC Outstanding Young Scholar Award B of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2011
Sjtu-SIP outstanding teacher award, 2013
Excellent teacher of School of environmental science and engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2016