
Xinde CAO
Distinguished Professor
Shanghai Jiao Tong University 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200240, China Phone: +86-21-54743926 Fax: +86-21-54740825 E-mail: [email protected]

Education Background

· 1995-1998, Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, China

· 1992-1995, M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, China

· 1984-1988, B.Sc. in Organic Chemistry, Fuyang Normal University, China

Professional Experience

· 2014.01-present, Vice Dean, Executive Vice Dean of School of Environmental Science and Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

· 2009.04-present, Professor, Tenured Professor, Distinguished Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

· 2005-2009, Chemist, Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA

· 2003-2005, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Environmental Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA

· 2000-2003, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA

· 1998-2000, Assistant Professor, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

· 1988-1992, Lecture, University of Science and Technology of Anhui, Fengyang, Anhui, China

Research Interests

· Remediation and restoration of contaminated soils and groundwater

· Interfacial processes of contaminants in soil-groundwater and its environmental behavior

· Biological carbon sequestration in soil and its ecological effects

· Solid waste-derived environmental functional materials

Teaching Courses

Remediation Engineering of Soil Contamination, Introduction to Environmental Science,

Principles of Environmental Chemistry, Advanced Environmental Chemistry

Professional Activities

· Chemosphere, Associate Editor (2012-);

· Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Member of Editorial Board (2011-);

· Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, Member of Editorial Board (2015-);

· Member of the Specialized Committee of Ecological Pollution, Ecological Society of China (2013-);

· Member of the Specialized Committee of Soil remediation, Soil Science Society of China (2015-);

· Member of the Specialized Committee of Soil Environment, Soil Science Society of China (2016-);

· Member of the Technical Committee of State Engineering Center of Urban Soil Contamination Control and Remediation, Ministry of Environmental Protection (2013-);

· Director of the Technical Committee of Engineering Center of Contaminated Site Remediation, Science and Technology Committee of Shanghai (2015-);

· Member of the Academic Committee of Key Laboratory of Biological Remediation of Soil Contamination, Science and Technology Committee of Zhejiang Province (2015-)

Professional Honors

· Highly Cited Researcher (2018-)

· Most Cited Chinese Researcher (2014-)

· The 2st Place Award of Teaching Achievements, awarded by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, 2018

· The Outstanding Award of Teaching Achievements, awarded by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2016

· Shanghai “Pujiang Scholar”, awarded by Shanghai Commission of Science and Technology, 2011

· The 1st place Award of Scientific and Technology Progress, awarded by the Ministry of Education of China, 2003

Research achievements

As a Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI, Dr. Cao has been and is being in charge of over 20 projects which are supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, Ministry of Education of China, Commission of Science and Technology of Shanghai, and local companies. Dr. Cao has received 4 state-level awards including the 1st Place Award of Science and Technology Progress by the China Ministry of Education. Dr. Cao has made significant achievements on the transport and transformation of heavy metals at soil and groundwater interface and the relevant biogeochemical process. He has published more than 130 SCI-indexed research papers in the refereed journals including Environ. Sci. Technol., Water Res., Environ. Int., etc. His research achievements are recognized worldwide, with the total SCI citation of >12500 and h-index of 56, and 16 papers are ranked as top 1% of ESI. He has completed 5 book chapters including 3 in English. Dr. Cao served more than 40 International Conferences as technical committee member, plenary speaker, session chair, or invited speaker. Dr. Cao has developed the technologies of chemical immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soil, integrated remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater, gravity separation of heavy metal from contaminated soil, phytoremediation of heavy metals in contaminated soil. These technologies have been successfully applied for remediation of contaminated shooting range sites, e-waste recycling site, chemical factory site, and electroplating site. He has obtained 8 authorized invention patents of China.

Key Research Funding (limited to 10)

1. Xinde Cao.Transport and transformation of heavy metals and their eco-environmental effects in Shandong coast zone and offshore area. The Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. U1906225), 2020-2023, PI

2. Xinde Cao. Nanobiochar-associated Cr(VI) transport and transformation in soil and numerical modeling. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21777095), 2018-2021, PI

3. Xinde Cao. Electronical chemical processes at biochar-soil interface and their environmental behavior. The Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21587002), 2016-2020, PI

4. Xinde Cao. Integration technology of urban environmental sanitation data collection and transmission and artificial intelligence classification collection and transportation. The National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2018YFC1900704), 2018-2022, PI

5. Xinde Cao. Resource disposal of dredged sediment and preparation of new materials. The National Water Pollution Control and Management Technology Major Project of China (No. No. 2017ZX07204002), 2017-2020, PI

6. Xinde Cao. Transformation and bioavailability of soil Pb in simulated human digestive system. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21377081), 2014-2017, PI

7. Xinde Cao. Biochar-induced immobilization of heavy metal and organic contaminants in contaminated soils. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21077072), 2011-2013, PI

8. Xinde Cao. Mechanism of phosphate-induced immobilization of multiple heavy metals in contaminated soils. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 20877056), 2009-2011, PI

9. Xinde Cao. Nanomaterials-associated heavy metals transport and transformation in soil and numerical modeling. Shanghai Commission of Science and Technology (No. 17DZ1202302), 2017-2019, PI

10. Xinde Cao. Post evaluation of immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soils. Ministry of Environmental Protection of China (No. 201509035), 2015-2018, Co-PI

Referred Publications (limited to 30)

1. Ling Zhao*, Dongling Xiao, Yang Liu, Huacheng Xu, Hongyan Nan, Xinde Cao*. 2019 Biochar as simultaneous shelter, adsorbent, pH buffer, and nutrient to promote biodegradation of high concentrations of phenol in wastewater. Water Research 172, 115494.

2. Xiaoyun Xu, Yuling Zheng, Bin Gao*, Xinde Cao*. N-doped biochar synthesized by a facile ball-milling method for enhanced sorption of CO2 and reactive red, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 368: 564-572

3. Jun Liang, Xiaoyun Xu, Waqas Qamar Zaman, Xiaofang Hu, Ling Zhao, Hao Qiu, Xinde Cao*. Different mechanisms between biochar and activated carbon for the persulfate catalytic degradation of sulfamethoxazole: Roles of radicals in solution or solid phase, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 375: 121908

4. Zibo Xu, Xiaoyun Xu, Xinyi Tao, Chengbo Yao, Daniel C W Tsang. Xinde Cao*. Interaction with low molecular weight organic acids affects the electron shuttling of biochar for Cr(VI) reduction, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 378: 120705

5. Ling Zhao, Yinghao Zhao, Hongyan Nan, Fan Yang, Hao Qiu, Xiaoyun Xu, Xinde Cao*. Suppressed formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during Fe-preloaded barley straw pyrolysis Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 121033

6. Yue Zhang, Xiaoyun Xu, Pengyu Zhang, Ling Zhao, Hao Qiu, Xinde Cao.* Pyrolysis-temperature depended quinone and carbonyl groups as the electron accepting sites in barley grass derived biochar. Chemosphere 2019, 232: 273~280

7. Ming Chen, Xinyi Tao, Dengjun Wang, Zibo Xu, Xiaoyun Xu, Xiaofang Hu, Nan Xu, Xinde Cao* Facilitated transport of cadmium by biochar-Fe3O4 nanocomposites in water-saturated natural soils, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 684: 265~275

8. Fan Yang, Zibo Xu, Yulu Yu, Bin Gao, Xiaoyun Xu, Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao* 2018 Kaolinite enhances the stability of the dissolvable and undissolvable fractions of biochar via different mechanisms. Environmental Science and Technology 52, 8321-8329

9. Huang Huang, Ying Jiang, Xiaoyun Xu, Xinde Cao* 2018 In vitro bioaccessibility and health risk assessment of heavy metals in atmospheric particulate matters from three different functional areas of Shanghai, China. Science of the Total Environment 610-611, 546-554.

10. Yihan Dai, Yuan Liang, Xiaoyun Xu, Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao* 2018 An integrated approach for simultaneous immobilization of lead in both contaminated soil and groundwater: Laboratory test and numerical modeling. Journal of Hazardous Materials 342, 107-113

11. Zibo Xu, Xiaoyun Xu, Daniel CW Tsang, Xinde Cao* 2018 Contrasting impacts of pre- and post-application aging of biochar on the immobilization of Cd in contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution 242, 1362-1370

12. Ming Chen, Nangual Alim, Yitao Zhang, Nan Xu, Xinde Cao* 2018 Contrasting effects of biochar nanoparticles on the retention and transport of phosphorus in acidic and alkaline soils. Environmental Pollution 239, 562-570.

13. Xiaoyun Xu, Huang Huang, Yue Zhang, Zibo Xu, Xinde Cao* 2019 Biochar as both electron donor and electron shuttle for the reduction transformation of Cr(VI) during its sorption. Environmental Pollution 244, 423-430

14. Ming Chen, Dengjun Wang, Fan Yang, Xiaoyun Xu, Nan Xu, Xinde Cao* 2017 Transport and retention of biochar nanoparticles in a paddy soil under environmentally-relevant solution chemistry conditions. Environmental Pollution 230, 540-549.

15. Xiaoyun Xu, Yinghao Zhao, Jingke Sima, Ling Zhao, Ondrew Masek, Xinde Cao* 2017 Indispensable role of biochar-inherent mineral constituents in its environmental applications: A review. Bioresource Technology 241, 887-899.

16. Ling Zhao, Zhenliang Ding, Jingke Sima, Xiaoyun Xu, Xinde Cao* 2017 Development of phosphate rock integrated with iron amendment for simultaneous immobilization of Zn and Cr(VI) in an electroplating contaminated soil. Chemosphere 182:15-21.

17. Fan Yang, Ling Zhao, Bin Gao, Xiaoyun Xu, and Xinde Cao* 2016 The interfacial behavior between biochar and soil minerals and its effect on biochar stability. Environmental Science and Technology 50, 2264–2271

18. Xiaoyun Xu, Daxuan Huang, Ling Zhao, Yue Kan, Xinde Cao* 2016 Role of inherent inorganic constituents in SO2 sorption ability of biochars derived from three biomass wastes. Environmental Science and Technology 50, 12957–12965

19. Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao*, Wei Zheng, John Scott, B. K. Sharma, and Xiang Chen 2016 Co-pyrolysis of biomass with phosphate fertilizers to improve biochar carbon retention, slow nutrient release, and stabilize heavy metals in soil. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 4, 1630–1636

20. Xiaoyun Xu, Yue Kan, Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao* 2016 Chemical transformation of CO2 during its capture by waste biomass derived biochars. Environmental Pollution 213, 533-540

21. Xiaoyun Xu, A Schierz, Nan Xu, Xinde Cao* 2016 Comparison of the characteristics and mechanisms of Hg(II) sorption by biochar and activated carbon. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 463, 55–60.

22. Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao*, Wei Zheng, Qun Wang, Fan Yang 2015 Endogenous minerals have influences on surface electrochemistry and ion exchange properties of biochar. Chemosphere136, 133–139.

23. Jingke Sima, Xinde Cao*, Ling Zhao, Qishi Luo 2015 Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure over- or under-estimates leachability of lead in phosphate-amended contaminated soils. Chemosphere 138, 744–750

24. Feiyue Li, Xinde Cao*, Ling Zhao, Jianfei Wang, Zhenliang Ding 2014 Effects of mineral additives on biochar formation: Carbon retention, stability, and properties. Environmental Science and Technology 48, 11211–11217.

25. Ling Zhao, Wei Zheng, Xinde Cao* 2014 Distribution and evolution of organic matter phases during biochar formation and their importance in carbon loss and pore structure. Chemical Engineering Journal 250, 240-247.

26. Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao*, Ondrej Masek 2013 Heterogeneity of biochar properties as a function of feedstock sources and production temperatures. Journal of Hazardous Materials 256-257, 1-9.

27. Xinde Cao*, Yuan Liang, Lena Ma 2011 Simultaneous immobilization of lead and atrazine in contaminated soils using dairy-manure biochar. Environmental Science and Technology 45, 4884-4889

28. Xinde Cao and Willie Harris* 2010 Properties of dairy manure-derived biochar pertinent to its potential use in remediation. Bioresource Technology 101, 5222-5228

29. Xinde Cao*, Lena Ma, Willie Harris 2009 Dairy manure-derived biochar effectively sorbs lead and atrazine. Environmental Science and Technology 43, 3285–3291

30. Xinde Cao, Lena Ma* 2009 Immobilization of Cu, Zn, and Pb in contaminated soils using phosphate rock and phosphoric acid. Journal of Hazardous Materials 164, 555-564

Book Chapters

1. Xinde Cao. 2016 Immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soils amended with phosphate-, carbonate-, and silicate-based materials: From lab to field. In YM Luo, (eds). Twenty Years Research and Development on Soil Pollution and Remediation in China. Science Press, Beijing, pp. 489–497. (ISBN: 978-7-03-049898-4).

2. Xinde Cao and Lena Ma. 2007 Transformation of lead bullets and phosphate-induced lead immobilization in shooting range soils. In Rachel H. Plattenberg (ed). Environmental Pollution: New Research. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 99-119. (ISBN: 1-60021-285-9)

3. Xinde Cao, D. Dermatas, G. Shen, and L.Q. Ma. 2005 Lead contamination and immobilization at shooting range sites. In A. Al-Tabbaa and J. A. Stegemann, (eds). Stabilisation/Solidification Treatment and Remediation. Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 315–321. (ISBN: 1-60021-285-9)