Xiaoyun XU
Associate Professor
Research Interests
- Biogeochemistry of trace metals (Cr, As, etc.) in soil-groundwater system
- Remediation of contaminated soils
- Development of engineered biochar for contaminant control
Website for our group://gsgr.pc28live.com/CN/Default.aspx
Dr. Xu received Ph.D. in Environmental Science & Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2015. Upon completion of the Ph.D. degree, she spent about three years as a postdoctoral researcher at the department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and one year as a visiting scholar at the department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida. In 2019, she joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University with an associate professorship. Her research interests focus on the the biogeochemical behaviors of trace metals (Cr, As, etc.) in the environment, remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soil, and development of engineered biochar for contaminant control. She has received several fundings from National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21607099, 42077112), National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2018YFC1802700), and Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (No. 20ZR1429100). She has published more than 60 research papers including 6 highly cited ones in related journals like Environ. Sci. Technol.、Chem. Eng. J.、 Bioresour. Technol., and served as reviewer in these journals.
Selected Publications
Zhang, Z.; Ren, J.; Liang, J.; Xu, X. *; Zhao, L.; Qiu, H.; Li, H.; Cao, X., New Insight into the Natural Detoxification of Cr(VI) in Fe-Rich Surface Soil: Crucial Role of Photogenerated Silicate-Bound Fe(II). Environmental Science & Technology 2023 (Supplementary Cover)
Wei, Y.; Yuan, C.; Xu, X.*; Zhao, L.; Chen, X.; Ren, Z.; Gui, X.; Zhao, L.; Qiu, H.; Cao, X.*, Colloid formation and facilitated chromium transport in the coastal area soil induced by freshwater and seawater alternating fluctuations. Water Research 2022, 218.
- Zhang, P.; Fan, J.; Xu, X.*; Xu, Z.; Yu, Y.; Zhao, L.; Qiu, H.; Cao, X., Contrasting effects of dry-wet and freeze-thaw aging on the immobilization of As in As-contaminated soils amended by zero-valent iron-embedded biochar. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 426, 128123.
- Xu, Z.; Yu, Y.; Xu, X. *; Tsang, D. C. W.; Yao, C.; Fan, J.; Zhao, L.; Qiu, H.; Cao, X., Direct and Indirect Electron Transfer Routes of Chromium(VI) Reduction with Different Crystalline Ferric Oxyhydroxides in the Presence of Pyrogenic Carbon. Environmental Science & Technology 2022.
- Yu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Xu, X.*; Zhao, L.; Qiu, H.; Cao, X., Synergistic role of bulk carbon and iron minerals inherent in the sludge-derived biochar for As(V) immobilization. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 417.
- Yang, F.; Chen, Y.; Huang, Y.; Cao, X.; Zhao, L.; Qiu, H.; Xu, X.*, New insights into the underlying influence of bentonite on Pb immobilization by undissolvable and dissolvable fractions of biochar. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 775.
- Xu, Z.; Xu, X. *; Yu, Y.; Yao, C.; Tsang, D. C. W.*; Cao, X., Evolution of redox activity of biochar during interaction with soil minerals: Effect on the electron donating and mediating capacities for Cr (VI) reduction. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 414.
- Xu, X.; Xu, Z.; Huang, J.; Gao, B.; Zhao, L.; Qiu, H.; Cao, X., Sorption of reactive red by biochars ball milled in different atmospheres: Co-effect of surface morphology and functional groups. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 413.
- Wei, Y.; Xu, X.*; Zhao, L.; Chen, X.; Qiu, H.; Gao, B.; Cao, X., Migration and transformation of chromium in unsaturated soil during groundwater table fluctuations induced by rainfall. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 416.
- Pei, L.; Yang, F.; Xu, X.*; Nan, H.; Gui, X.; Zhao, L.; Cao, X., Further reuse of phosphorus-laden biochar for lead sorption from aqueous solution: Isotherm, kinetics, and mechanism. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 792.
- Liang, J.; Duan, X.; Xu, X.*; Chen, K.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, L.; Qiu, H.; Wang, S.; Cao, X., Persulfate Oxidation of Sulfamethoxazole by Magnetic Iron-Char Composites via Nonradical Pathways: Fe(IV) Versus Surface-Mediated Electron Transfer. Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55, (14), 10077-10086.
- Liang, J.; Duan, X.; Xu, X.*; Chen, K.; Wu, F.; Qiu, H.; Liu, C.; Wang, S.; Cao, X., Biomass-derived pyrolytic carbons accelerated Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox cycle for persulfate activation: Pyrolysis temperature-depended performance and mechanisms. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2021, 297.
- Feng, K.; Xu, Z.; Gao, B.; Xu, X.*; Zhao, L.; Qiu, H.; Cao, X., Mesoporous ball-milling iron-loaded biochar for enhanced sorption of reactive red: Performance and mechanisms. Environmental Pollution 2021, 290.
- Xu, Z.; Xu, X.*; Zhang, Y.; Yu, Y.; Cao, X., Pyrolysis-temperature depended electron donating and mediating mechanisms of biochar for Cr(VI) reduction. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 388.
- Xu, X.*; Xu, Z.; Gao, B.; Zhao, L.; Zheng, Y.; Huang, J.; Tsang, D. C. W.; Ok, Y. S.; Cao, X., New insights into CO2 sorption on biochar/Fe oxyhydroxide composites: Kinetics, mechanisms, and in situ characterization. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 384.
- Qiu, Y.; Xu, X.*; Xu, Z.; Liang, J.; Yu, Y.; Cao, X., Contribution of different iron species in the iron-biochar composites to sorption and degradation of two dyes with varying properties. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 389.
- Liang, J.; Xu, X.*; Zhong, Q.; Xu, Z.; Zhao, L.; Qiu, H.; Cao, X.*, Roles of the mineral constituents in sludge-derived biochar in persulfate activation for phenol degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 398.
- Xu, X.; Zheng, Y.; Gao, B.; Cao, X., N-doped biochar synthesized by a facile ball-milling method for enhanced sorption of CO2 and reactive red. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 368, 564-572.
- Xu, X.; Huang, H.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, Z.; Cao, X., Biochar as both electron donor and electron shuttle for the reduction transformation of Cr(VI) during its sorption. Environmental Pollution 2019, 244, 423-430.
- Xu, X.; Zhao, Y.; Sima, J.; Zhao, L.; Masek, O.; Cao, X., Indispensable role of biochar-inherent mineral constituents in its environmental applications: A review. Bioresource Technology 2017, 241, 887-899.
- Xu, X.; Schierz, A.; Xu, N.; Cao, X., Comparison of the characteristics and mechanisms of Hg(II) sorption by biochars and activated carbon. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2016, 463, 55-60.
- Xu, X.; Kan, Y.; Zhao, L.; Cao, X., Chemical transformation of CO2 during its capture by waste biomass derived biochars. Environmental Pollution 2016, 213, 533-540.
- Xu, X.; Huang, D.; Zhao, L.; Kan, Y.; Cao, X., Role of Inherent Inorganic Constituents in SO2 Sorption Ability of Biochars Derived from Three Biomass Wastes. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50, (23), 12957-12965.
- Xu, X.; Cao, X.; Zhao, L.; Zhou, H.; Luo, Q., Interaction of organic and inorganic fractions of biochar with Pb(II) ion: further elucidation of mechanisms for Pb(II) removal by biochar. Rsc Advances 2014, 4, (85), 44930-44937.
- Xu, X.; Cao, X.; Zhao, L.; Sun, T., Comparison of sewage sludge- and pig manure-derived biochars for hydrogen sulfide removal. Chemosphere 2014, 111, 296-303.
- Xu, X.; Cao, X.; Zhao, L.; Wang, H.; Yu, H.; Gao, B., Removal of Cu, Zn, and Cd from aqueous solutions by the dairy manure-derived biochar. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2013, 20, (1), 358-368.
- Xu, X.; Cao, X.; Zhao, L., Comparison of rice husk- and dairy manure-derived biochars for simultaneously removing heavy metals from aqueous solutions: Role of mineral components in biochars. Chemosphere 2013, 92, (8), 955-961.
Honors and Awards
2016/12 Shanghai Jiao Tong University "Overseas Postdoctoral Program for Outstanding Doctoral Graduates"
2014/11 Suzhou Industrial Park Scholarship
2013/05 China Scholarship Council Found
2012/09 OMNOVA Scholarship
2010/09 First Class Scholarship of Shanghai Jiao Tong University