
Address: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +86-021-54743926
Webpage of group: //gsgr.pc28live.com/CN/Default.aspx

Education Background

  • 2005-2008, Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
  • 2005-2005, M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, China
  • 1998-2002, B.Sc. in Material Science and Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, China

Professional Experience

  • 2011-present, Associate professor/professor, doctoral advisor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200240, China
  • 2015-present, Master's Supervisor, China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 201306, China
  • 2013-2014, Visiting Scholar, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, One Hazelwood Dr., Champaign, Illinois 61820, USA
  • 2012-2013, Visiting Scholar, UK Biochar Research Centre, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Kings Buildings, Edinburgh, EH93JN, UK
  • 2008-2011, Postdoctoral Research Associate, State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse, Institute of Waste Treatment & Reclamation, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, China

Research Interests

  • Soil pollution and remediation technology and environmental process

  • Biomass solid waste treatment and disposal technology
  • Carbon sequestration and energy utilization of biomass waste

Teaching Courses

  • Environmental Soil Science
  • Remediation Engineering of Soil Contamination
  • Environment Science and sustainable development
  • Principles of Environmental Chemistry

Key Research Funding (limited to 10)

1. Ling Zhao. Mechanisms of organic contaminants degradation by biochar-loaded microorganisms in “Groundwater Pumping-Soil Leaching Integrated Remediation” system. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41877110), 2019-2022, PI

2. Ling Zhao. The regulatory mechanism of minerals on biochar formation and its stability. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21577087), 2016-2019, PI

3. Ling Zhao. Multi-source identification and discharge inventory of pollutants in the regional site. National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2020YFC1806700), 2020-2024, PI

4. Ling Zhao. The relationships of biomass sources characteristics and biochar properties as well as effect. Youth Foundation of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21107070), 2012-2014, PI

5. Ling Zhao. Recovery of heavily polluted river sediment and the improvement of its river habitat. Key Project of National Science and Technology for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (No. 2017ZX07204002-03), 2017-2020, PI of sub-project

6. Ling Zhao. Dewatering and resource utilization of dredging river sediment: study and demonstration. Key Project of National Science and Technology for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (No. 2017ZX07202005-005), 2017-2020, PI of sub-project

7. Ling Zhao. Remediation of cadmium polluted agricultural land and soil quality improvement. Technical Service Project of Shandong Province, China, 2019-2020, PI

8. Ling Zhao. The analysis and control of dewatered sludge aerobic degrading process for bio-drying. The project financed by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 20090450732), 2009-2011, PI

9. Ling Zhao. Moisture distribution of dewatered sludge and the interactive influence of operation parameters on bio-drying efficiency. The project financed by Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality: (No. 09R21415600), 2009-2011, PI

10. Xinde Cao, Ling Zhao. Transport and transformation of heavy metals and their eco-environmental effects in Shandong coast zone and offshore area. The Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. U1906225), 2020-2023, Key partner, list as the second order.

Referred Publications (limited to 30)

1)  Yang, Q.S., Mašek, O., Zhao, L.*, Nan, H.Y., Yu, S.T., Yin, J.X., Li, Z.P., Cao, X.D., 2021. Country-level potential of carbon sequestration and environmental benefits by utilizing crop residues for biochar implementation. Applied Energy 282, 116275.

2)  Yang, F., Chen, Y.C., Nan, H.Y., Pei, L., Huang, Y.D., Cao, X.D., Xu, X.Y., Zhao, L.*, 2021. Metal Chloride-Loaded Biochar for Phosphorus Recovery: Noteworthy roles of Inherent Minerals in Precursor. Chemosphere 266, 128991.

3)  Li, D.P., Zhao, L.*, Cao, X.D., Xiao, Z.Y., Nan, H.Y., Qiu, H., 2020. Nickel-catalyzed formation of mesoporous carbon structure promoted capacitive performance of exhausted biochar. Chem. Eng. J. 126856.

4)  Nan, H.Y., Xiao, Z.Y., Zhao, L.*, Yang, Fan; Xu, H.C., Xu, X.Y., Qiu, H., 2020. Nitrogen transformation during pyrolysis of various N-containing biowastes with participation of mineral calcium. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 8, 32, 12197–12207.

5) Zhao, L.*, Xiao, D.L., Liu, Y., Xu, H.C., Nan, H.Y., Cao, X.D.*, 2020 Biochar as simultaneous shelter, adsorbent, pH buffer, and nutrient to promote biodegradation of high concentrations of phenol in wastewater. Water. Res. 172, 115494.

6)  Fan, J., Zhao, L.*, Kan, J.H., Qiu, H., Xu, X.Y., Cao, X.D., 2020. Uptake of vegetable and soft drink affected transformation and bioaccessibility of lead in gastrointestinal track exposed to lead-contaminated soil particles. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 194, 110411.

7)  Nan, H.Y., Zhao, L.*, Yang, F., Liu, Y., Xiao, Z.X., Cao, X.D., Qiu, H., 2020. Different alkaline minerals interacted with biomass carbon during pyrolysis: which one improved biochar carbon sequestration? J. Clean. Prod. 255, 120162.

8) Zhao, L., Zhao, Y.H., Nan, H.Y., Yang, F., Qiu, H., Xu, X.Y., Cao, X.D.*, 2019. Suppressed formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during Fe-preloaded barley straw pyrolysis. J. Hazar. Mater. 121033

9) Zhao, L., Nan, H.Y., Kan, Y., Xu, X.Y., Qiu, H., Cao, X.D.*, 2019. Infiltration behavior of heavy metals in runoff through soil amended with biochar. Environ. Pollut. 254, 113–114.

10) Yang, X.Y., Zhao, L.*, Aminul Haque, M., Chen, B., Ren, Z., Cao, X.D., Shen, Z.M., 2019. Sustainable conversion of contaminated dredged river sediment into eco-friendly foamed concrete. J. Clean. Prod. 252, 119799.

11) Nan, H.Y.; Yang, F.; Zhao, L.*; Mašek, O.; Cao, XD.; Xiao, Z.Y., 2019. Interaction of Inherent Minerals with Carbon during Biomass Pyrolysis Weakens Biochar Carbon Sequestration Potential. ACS Sustain Chem. Eng. 7, 1591–1599.

12) Zhao, Y.; Zhao, L.*; Mei, Y.; Li, F.; Cao, X., 2018. Release of nutrients and heavy metals from biochar-amended soil under environmentally relevant conditions. Environ. Sci. Pollut. R 25, 2517–2527.

13) Zhao, L.; Zheng, W.; Mašek, O.; Chen, X.; Gu, B.; Sharma, B. K.; Cao, X., 2017. Roles of Phosphoric Acid in Biochar Formation: Synchronously Improving Carbon Retention and Sorption Capacity. J Environ Qual. 46 (2), 393–401.

14) Zhao, L.; Ding, Z.; Sima, J.; Xu, X.; Cao, X., 2017. Development of phosphate rock integrated with iron amendment for simultaneous immobilization of Zn and Cr(VI) in an electroplating contaminated soil. Chemosphere 182, 15–21.

15) Zhao L, Cao XD*, Zheng W, Scott JW, Sharma BK, Chen X, 2016. Copyrolysis of biomass with phosphate fertilizers to improve biochar carbon retention, slow nutrient release, and stabilize heavy metals in soil. ACS Sustain Chem. Eng. 4 (3): 1630−1636.

16) Zhao L, Cao XD*, Zheng W, Wang Q, Yang F, 2015. Endogenous minerals have influences on surface electrochemistry and ion exchange properties of biochar. Chemosphere 136: 133–139.

17) Zhao, L., Zheng, W., Cao, X.D.*, 2014. Distribution and evolution of organic matter phases during biochar formation and their importance in carbon loss and pore structure. Chem. Eng. J. 250: 240–247.

18) Zhao, L., Cao, X.D.*, Zheng, W., Kan, Y., 2014. Phosphorus-assisted biomass thermal conversion: Reducing carbon loss and improving biochar stability. PLOS ONE.

19) Zhao, L., Cao, X.D.*, Masek, O., Zimmerman, A., 2013. Heterogeneity of biochar properties as a function of feedstock sourcesand production temperatures. J. Hazar. Mater. 256–257 (15): 1–9.

20) Zhao, L., Cao, X.D.*, Wang, Q., Yang, F., Xu, S., 2013. Mineral constituents profile of biochar derived from diversified waste biomasses: implication on agricultural application. J. Environ. Qual. 42: 545–552.

21) Zhao, L., Gu, W.M., He, P.J.*, Shao, L.M., 2010. Effect of air-flow rate and turning frequency on bio-drying of dewatered sludge. Water Res. 44 (20): 6144−6152.

22) Zhao, L., Gu, W.M., He, P.J.*, Shao, L.M., 2011. Biodegradation potential of bulking agents in sludge bio-drying and their contribution to bio-generated heat. Water Res. 45 (6): 2322−2330.

23) Zhao, L., Wang, X.Y., Gu, W.M., Shao, L.M., He, P.J.*, 2011. Distribution of C and N in soluble fractionations for characterizing the respective biodegradation of sludge and bulking agents. Bioresour. Technol. 102: 10745−10749.

24) Zhao, L., Yang, D., Zhu, N.W.*, 2008. Bioleaching of spent Ni-Cd batteries by continuous flow system: Effect of hydraulic retention time and process load. J. Hazar. Mater. 160 (2-3): 648–654.

25) Zhao, L., Gu, W.M., Shao, L.M., He, P.J.*, 2012. Sludge bio-drying process in low ambient temperature: effect of bulking agent particle size and controlled temperature. Drying Technol. 30: 1037−1044.

26) Zhao, L., Zhu, N.W.*, Wang, X.H., 2008. Comparison of bio-dissolution of spent Ni–Cd batteries by sewage sludge using ferrous ions and elemental sulfur as substrate. Chemosphere 70 (6): 974–981.

27) Zhao, L., Wang, X.H., Zhu, N.W.*, 2008. Simultaneous metals leaching and microbial production of sulphuric acid by sewage sludge: Effect of sludge solids concentration. Environ. Eng. Sci. 25 (8): 1167–1174.

28) Yang, F., Zhao, L., Gao, B., Xu, X.Y., Cao, X.D.*, 2016. The interfacial behavior between biochar and soil minerals and its effect on biochar stability. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50: 2264–2271.

29) Xu, X.Y., Huang, D.X., Zhao, L., Kan Y., Cao, X.D.*, 2016. Role of Inherent Inorganic Constituents in SO2 Sorption Ability of Biochars Derived from Three Biomass Wastes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50: 2264–2271.

30) Li, F.Y., Cao, X.D.*, Zhao, L., Wang, J.F., 2014. Effects of mineral additives on biochar formation: carbon retention, stability, and properties. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48: 11211–11217.


  • 2019.06, I won the second prize of 2018-2019 Candlelight Award Program of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • 2018.12, I was awarded the title of Excellent Extracurricular Science and Technology Activities Instructor of College of Environmental Science and Engineering.
  • 2018.11, I was awarded as "March 8th Red Banner Player" of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • 2017.12, I won the second prize in the teaching competition for young teachers of Shanghai Jiaotong University.
  • 2008.10, I was awarded the Qiushi Doctoral Scholarship by Qiushi Foundation of Hong Kong.

Serve for society

  • As reviewer for many SCI journals
  • As expert for National Natural Science Foundation of China Geoscience
  • As expert of soil pollution assessment for Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau