Research Interests
Dr Qian has published more than 80 publications in peer reviewed journals and two book chapters. Her current research interests mainly focus on the Fenton chemistry, hydrogen peroxide electrosynthesis, and photocatalysis in environmental science and energy fields.
Curriculum Vitae
Professor Qian got her PhD degree (supervised by Prof. Dongyuan Zhao) at Department of Chemistry, Fudan University in 2012. After that, she was received the award of the JSPS and then worked as a post-doc and research assistant in Osaka University, Japan (2012-2014). Then she joined in Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an Assistant professor and started her own research (2014), she was promoted as the associate professor and full professor in 2015 and 2023 respectively. Dr Qian has published more than 80 publications in peer reviewed journals and two book chapters. Her current research interests mainly focus on the Fenton chemistry, hydrogen peroxide electrosynthesis, and photocatalysis in environmental science and energy fields.
Y. Wen, X. Qian*, Y. Zhao* et al, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, //doi.org/10.1002/anie.202205972.
T. Zhang, X. Qian* et al,Environ. Sci. Technol., 2022, 56, 4, 2617–2625.
X. Chen, X. Qian* et al et al, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2020, 54,13344-13353.
T. Wang, X. Qian* et al, Zhao Yixin* et al, Chem. Eng. J., 2020, 398, 125638.
Y. Xuan; X. Qian*; Y. Zhao* et al, Chi. Chem. Lett., 2020,31, 1535-1539.
Y. Wu, X. Qian* et al, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2019, 53(15), 9081-9090.
Y. Han, X. Qian* et al, Appl. Catal., B, 2019, 245, 190-196.
M. Fang, X. Qian*, et al, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2019, 6, 105–114.
X. Qian, Y. Zhao* et al, Appl. Catal., B, 2018, 237, 513-520.
X. Qian, Y. Zhao* et al, Appl. Catal., B, 2018, 231, 108-114.
X. Qian, Y. Zhao* et al, Appl. Catal., B, 2017, 212, 1-6.
X. Qian, Y. Zhao* et al, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51, 3993-4000. (Highly cited)
X. Qian, Y. Zhao* et al, Appl. Catal., B, 2016, 193, 16-21. (Highly cited)
Other Affiliations
Editorial Board of Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Editorial Board of Chinese Chemical Letters
Expert in Shanghai Science and Technology Experts Database
Expert in Ministry of science and technology Experts Database
Awards and Honors
World's Top 2% Scientists 2022
“Yokoyama Ryoji” Outstanding Paper Award of SJTU 2018
Excellent Class Adviser of SJTU 2018
SJTU Morningstar-Outstanding Young Scholar 2018
Second Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology (4/4) 2013
Excellent Research Award of ISAM-Cat international symposium (Osaka, Japan) 2013