
Longfei REN
Assistant Research Fellow
Email:[email protected]
Office:Building of Environmental Science, Room 119

Research Interests

  1. Wastewater treatment
  2. Membrane and membrane processes


Jul. 2019-now, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Assitant research fellow

Sept. 2015-Jun. 2019, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ph.D.

Sept. 2012-Jun. 2015, Shandong University, Master

Sept. 2008-Jul. 2012, Qingdao University of Technology, Bachelor

Selected publications

  1. L.-F. Ren, E. Al Yousif, F. Xia, Y. Wang, L. Guo, Y. Tu, X. Zhang, J. Shao, Y. He, Novel electrospun TPU/PDMS/PMMA membrane for phenol separation from saline wastewater via membrane aromatic recovery system, Separation and Purification Technology, 212 (2019) 21-29.
  2. L.-F. Ren, M. Adeel, J. Li, C. Xu, Z. Xu, X. Zhang, J. Shao, Y. He, Phenol separation from phenol-laden saline wastewater by membrane aromatic recovery system-like membrane contactor using superhydrophobic/organophilic electrospun PDMS/PMMA membrane, Water Research, 135 (2018) 31-43.
  3. L.-F. Ren, L. Lv, Q. Kang, B. Gao, S.-Q. Ni, Y.-H. Chen, S. Xu, Microbial dynamics of biofilm and suspended flocs in anammox membrane bioreactor: the effect of non-woven fabric membrane, Bioresource Technology, 247 (2018) 259-266.
  4. L.-F. Ren, R. Chen, X. Zhang, J. Shao, Y. He, Phenol biodegradation and microbial community dynamics in extractive membrane bioreactor (EMBR) for phenol-laden saline wastewater, Bioresource Technology, 244 (2017) 1121-1128.
  5. L.-F. Ren, F. Xia, V. Chen, J. Shao, R. Chen, Y. He, TiO2-FTCS modified superhydrophobic PVDF electrospun nanofibrous membrane for desalination by direct contact membrane distillation, Desalination, 423 (2017) 1-11.
  6. L.-F. Ren, F. Xia, J. Shao, X. Zhang, J. Li, Experimental investigation of the effect of electrospinning parameters on properties of superhydrophobic PDMS/PMMA membrane and its application in membrane distillation, Desalination, 404 (2017) 155-166.
  7. L.-F. Ren, L. Lv, J. Zhang, B. Gao, S.-Q. Ni, N. Yang, Q. Zhou, X. Liu, Novel zero-valent iron-assembled reactor for strengthening anammox performance under low temperature, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100 (2016) 8711-8720.
  8. L.-F. Ren, S. Liang, H.H. Ngo, W. Guo, S.-Q. Ni, C. Liu, Y.-K. Zhao, D. Hira, Enhancement of anammox performance in a novel non-woven fabric membrane bioreactor (nMBR), RSC Advances, 5 (2015) 86875-86884.
  9. Z. Wei, P. Li, M. Hassan, P. Wang, C. Xu, L.-F. Ren, Y. He. Employing a novel O3/H2O2+BiPO4/UV synergy technique to deal with thiourea-containing photovoltaic wastewater, RSC Advances, 9 (2019) 450-459.
  10. J. Li, S. Xu, M. Hassan, J. Shao, L.-F. Ren, Y. He, Effective modeling and optimization of PVDF–PTFE electrospinning parameters and membrane distillation process by response surface methodology, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2018) 47125.
  11. M. Adeel, L.-F. Ren, J. Li, J. Shao, A. Jawad, C. Su, Y. Wang, L. Guo, Y. He, Enhanced mechanical properties of PDMS/PMMA composite membrane using MWCNTs and its application in phenol separation from saline wastewater, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2018) 47123.
  12. C. Xu, L. Chen, L. You, Z. Xu, L.-F. Ren, K. Gin, Y. He, Z. Wei. The occurrence, impact variables and potential risk of PPCPs and Pesticides in a drinking water reservoir and related drinking water treatment plants in Yangtze Estuary, Environmental Science: Processes Impacts, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8EM00029H.
  13. S. Xu, L.-F. Ren, Q. Zhou, H. Bai, J. Li, J. Shao. Facile ZIF-8 functionalized hierarchical micronanofiber membrane for high-efficiency separation of water-in-oil emulsions, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 135 (2018) 46462.
  14. R. Chen, L.-F. Ren, J. Shao, Y. He, X. Zhang, Changes in degrading ability, populations and metabolism of microbes in activated sludge in the treatment of phenol wastewater, Rsc Advances, 7 (2017) 52841-52851.
  15. C.-H. Ge, N. Sun, Q. Kang, L.-F. Ren, H.A. Ahmad, S.Q. Ni, Z. Wang, Bacterial community evolutions driven by organic matter and powder activated carbon in simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) process, Bioresource Technology, 251 (2017) 13-21.
  16. Y. Chen, K. Yu, Y. Zhou, L.-F. Ren, G. Kirumba, B. Zhang, Y. He, Characterizing spatiotemporal variations of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in headwater catchment of a key drinking water source in China, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 24 (2017) 27799-27812.
  17. L. Lv, L.-F. Ren, S.Q. Ni, B. Gao, Y.N. Wang, Effect of magnetite on the start-up and N2O emission reduction of anammox process, Rsc Advances, 6 (2016) 99989-99996.
