

报告人:   Hartmut Herrmann


报告地点:线下 新环境大楼206会议室

邀请人:   赵岳,李晨曦


An overview on recent work of our department on aerosol particle chemistry will be given which consists of three parts. Woodsmoke is a very important constituent of PM because of wildfires but also increased household heating with wood. We present recent result from an international and a national project on this. Second, we have used our aerosol simulation chamber ACD-C for investigations of aerosol-related virus transmission. First results will be given. Third, micro- and nanoplastics are found to be dispersed through the atmosphere, here we present some first results and an outlook for this.


Hartmut Herrmann is the Head of the Atmospheric Chemistry Department at Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) and the professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at the University of Leipzig, Germany. He received a BS in chemistry and a PhD in physical chemistry from the Georg August University of Goettingen. With his group, he studies atmospheric multiphase chemistry in the field, laboratory and modeling studies. He has published over 400 papers in internationally famous journals such as Science, PNAS, Chemical Reviews, Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP), etc.