
雷宇(Lei Yu)
邮箱:[email protected]


1. 新污染物的化学转化动力学与机制

2. 饮用水消毒及副产物控制

3. 瞬态光谱技术及其环境应用


雷宇,长聘教轨助理教授,硕士生导师,2022年博士毕业于中山大学,2022~2024年在中国科学院化学研究所开展博士后研究。主要从事瞬态光谱技术及其在水污染控制、环境光化学、自由基化学等领域应用的工作,已在Environ. Sci. Technol.等环境领域顶尖及主流期刊发表SCI论文50余篇,多项工作入选ESI热点论文、高被引论文。主持中国博士后创新人才支持计划、国家自然科学基金青年基金等项目。获中山大学优秀博士学位论文、奥加诺(水质与水环境)特等奖等。任国际水协会中国青年委员会(IWA-YWP China)委员等。

Google Scholar://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-N&user=buKIJhMAAAAJ

Scopus: //www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57206637088


1. Yu Lei, Yafei Yu, Xin Lei, Xi Liang, ShuangShuang Cheng, Gangfeng Ouyang, Xin Yang*. Assessing the Use of Probes and Quenchers for Understanding the Reactive Species in Advanced Oxidation Processes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 5433−5444 (2023 ES&T Best Paper, Top 0.1% hot paper, highly cited, Cover paper)

2. Yu Lei, Xin Lei, Ge Tian, Jie Yang, Di Huang, Xin Yang, Chuncheng Chen*, Jincai Zhao. Optical Variation and Molecular Transformation of Brown Carbon during Oxidation by NO3· in Aqueous Phase. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2024, 58, 3353−3362

3. Jingmeng Guan, Xin Lei, Mengge Fan, Yu Lei*, Junlang Qiu, Xin Yang*. Aromatic Structures Govern the Formation of Chlorinated Byproducts in Dichlorine Radical Reactions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2024, 58, 19048−19057

4. Yu Lei, Xin Lei, Paul Westerhoff, Xingyu Tong, Jianing Ren, Yangjian Zhou, Xin Yang*. Bromine Radical (Br· and Br2·) Reactivity with Dissolved Organic Matter and Brominated Organic Byproduct Formation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56, 5189−5199

5. Yu Lei, Xin Lei, Paul Westerhoff, Xinran Zhang, Xin Yang*. Reactivity of Chlorine Radicals (Cl· and Cl2·) with Dissolved Organic Matter and the Formation of Chlorinated Byproducts. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 689−699 (Highly cited)

6. Yu Lei, Xin Lei, Yafei Yu, Kaize Li, Zhe Li, Shuangshuang Cheng, Gangfeng Ouyang, Xin Yang*. Rate Constants and Mechanisms for Reactions of Bromine Radicals with Trace Organic Contaminants. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 10502−10513

7. Yu Lei, Shuangshuang Cheng, Na Luo, Xin Yang*, Taicheng An. Rate Constants and Mechanisms of the Reactions of Cl· and Cl2· with Trace Organic Contaminants. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53, 11170−11182 (Highly cited)

8. Xin Lei, Yu Lei, Jingmeng Guan, Paul Westerhoff, Xin Yang*. Kinetics and Transformations of Diverse Dissolved Organic Matter Fractions with Sulfate Radicals. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56, 4457−4466

9. Shuangshuang Cheng, Yu Lei, Xin Lei, Yanheng Pan, Yunho Lee, Xin Yang*. Coexposure Degradation of Purine Derivatives in the Sulfate Radical-Mediated Oxidation Process. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020, 54, 1186−1195

10. Yangjian Zhou, Yu Lei, Qingqing Kong, Fangyuan Cheng, Mengge Fan, Yanchun Deng, Qing Zhao, Junlang Qiu, Peng Wang, Xin Yang*. o-Semiquinone Radical and o-Benzoquinone Selectively Degrade Aniline Contaminants in the Periodate-Mediated Advanced Oxidation Process. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2024, 58, 2123−2132

11. Xin Yang*, Fernando L. Rosario-Ortiz, Yu Lei, Yanheng Pan, Xin Lei, Paul Westerhoff. Multiple Roles of Dissolved Organic Matter in Advanced Oxidation Processes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56, 11111−11131 (2022 ES&T Best Paper, highly cited, Cover paper)

12. Jie Yang, Chaoyuan Deng, Yu Lei, Mengyu Duan, Yisen Yang, Xiaoran Chen, Sipeng Yang, Jikun Li, Hua Sheng, Weiqun Shi, Chuncheng Chen*, Jincai Zhao. Fe-N Co-Doped BiVO4 Photoanode with Record Photocurrent for Water Oxidation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202416340


1.     博士后创新人才支持计划,2022-2024,主持

2.     国家自然科学基金青年项目,2025-2027,主持

3.     上海市自然科学基金面上项目,2024-2027,主持

4.     博士后科学基金面上项目,2022-2024,主持

5.     上海交通大学自主科研项目,2024-2027,主持

6.     中国科学院特别研究助理资助项目,2022-2024,主持

7.     参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等多项研究课题


1.     2022 博士后创新人才支持计划

2.     2022 奥加诺(水质与水环境)特等奖

3.     2022 中山大学优秀博士学位论文

4.     2020 国际水协会中国青年委员会“新星计划”

5.     2023 北京分子科学国家研究中心博士后项目(BMS Junior Fellow)

6.     2022 唐孝炎环境科学创新奖学金

7.     2019 2022全国环境化学大会优秀报告奖;2019 国际水协会微污染与生态毒理会议特邀报告奖 等